THIS VERSION IS A PAID UPGRADE!. If your current Path Finder license is less than a year old, you can use the new version until it's been one year. Otherwise, you need to purchase an upgrade license.
Changes in version 2178
- Fixed color tags (labels) of files on iCloud Drive.
- Fixed minor UI compatibility issues under macOS Sequoia.
Changes in version 2176
- Improved speed and memory footprint of folder syncing.
- Fixed memory leaks on macOS Sequoia.
- Fixed numerous minor incompatibilities under macOS Sequoia.
Changes in version 2175
- Fixed date components not showing in "Add Date" renamer.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS Sequoia Beta (2).
Changes in version 2174
- Fixed potential problem with menu items icon rendering on macOS 14 Sonoma.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS Sequoia Beta (1).
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2173
- Improve folder syncing speed and reliability.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS Sequoia Beta (1).
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2172
- Fixed add sequence renamer step.
- Fixed file preview in column view on macOS 14 Sonoma.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when moving files between different volumes.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2170
- Fixed Google Drive upload authorization.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2169
- Fixed potential crash/exception when using application launcher.
- Fixed batch rename on some case sensitive file systems.
- Fixed potential folder syncing options override.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2168
- Fixed path bar editing mode.
- Fixed bookmark bar drawing on Sonoma.
- Fixed tab bar drawing on Sonoma.
- Fixed path bar drawing on Sonoma.
- Fixed status bar drawing on Sonoma.
- Improved hex editor user interface and speed
- Other minor improvements and fixes on Sonoma.
Changes in version 2166
- Fixed potential security vulnerability in authorized privileged helper.
Changes in version 2165
- Fixed columns view column autoresizing for items with color tags/labels.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when renaming files on network volumes.
- Speed improvements when securely deleting files.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
Changes in version 2164
- Fixed potential security issue in the privileged helper application.
- Fixed setting custom color to arbitrary file tags.
- Fixed Apple's Finder relaunch when toggling Path Finder desktop shown option.
- Speed improvements when copying files to remove and network volumes.
- Other minor improvements and fixes.
Changes in version 2163
- Improved Mac metadata handling in archives.
- Fixed potential corruption of password protected ZIP archives.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when renaming multiple files.
- Some minor improvements under macOS 14 Sonoma.
Changes in version 2162
- Improved tag color/label visual representations.
- Fixed potential error setting correct tag color.
- Other minor improvements, tweaks and fixes.
Changes in version 2161
- Improved modules initialization and loading speed.
- Fixed potential errors when validating active toolbar items.
- Fixed potential errors rendering the columns view titles.
- Fixed potential issues with "Registration" window when working under macOS 14 Sonoma.
Changes in version 2160
- Fixed potential failure of some AppleScript commands and operations.
- Fixed potential failure of privileged file operations under macOS 14 Sonoma Beta (RC).
- Fixed some UI incompatibilities and glitches under macOS 14 Sonoma Beta (RC).
Changes in version 2159
- Fixed potential crash/exception when renaming files with preview shown.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when previewing password protected PDF files.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when previewing some SVG files.
- Setapp version updated with the latest version of Setapp framework.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS 14 Sonoma Beta (4).
Changes in version 2158
- Improved "Full Disk Access" detection and handling.
- Fixed potential issue with Size Browser incorrectly reporting the size of the root folder.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when selecting an item in the Size Browser chart view.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS 14 Sonoma Beta (3).
Changes in version 2157
- Greatly improved Size Browser, scanning file sizes is up to 3 times faster now and produces more reliable results. The UI is also improved, now the chart view dynamically changes as file sizes are scanned and calculated.
- Fixed some incompatibilities noticed when working under macOS 14 Sonoma Beta (2).
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2156
- Fixed batch file rename on network disks/volumes.
- Added main menu item to equalize Dual Pane sizes (so that you can assign a key shortcut to that command).
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2155
- Fixed thumbnail based QuickLook for some file types.
- Fixed downloading of older versions of Path Finder in the Registration window.
- Double-click on Dual Pane divider snaps the divider in the middle position.
Changes in version 2153
- Completely redesigned Batch Rename user interface (with draggable renaming steps) and functionality.
- Improved modules data processing response on file selection change in the file browser.
- Fixed potential crash when renaming files of certain types.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2152
- WARNING!!! Path Finder code signature has been changed in this version. We changed it from the personal Apple Developer Account credentials code signature to the new, company related, Apple Developer Account credentials code signature. Due to this change, after upgrading to version 2152, Path Finder will ask you again to allow "Full Disc Access" and it will also ask you to allow (again) access to the credentials in the Keychain, which it already could have accessed before. This is the consequence of changed code signature. Just allow that access again and Path Finder will continue working normally.
- Completely redesigned file Access Control List user interface and functionality.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2151
- Download previous versions of Path Finder from the registration window.
- Fixed opening text files in default text editor set in preferences.
- Fixed potential Sidebar items sorting issue.
- Fixed potential crash/exception when dragging multiple images in the Image Browser view.
Changes in version 2149
- Improved credentials saving into and reading from the Keychain.
- Improved speed of Git and Subversion modules.
- Fixed potential issue when uploading files into existing Amazon S3 buckets located in "us_east_1 (N. Virginia)" region.
- Fixed potential sorting issue Recent Documents and Recent Folders modules.
Changes in version 2148
- Ensure correct Login Item entry "Path Finder" in the System Settings on Ventura (fix potential appearance of developer's certificate name).
- Improve Hex viewer file reading and parsing speed.
- Fixed UI glitches and inconsistencies in Drop Stack and Selection Path modules.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2147
- Open folder in new unselected tab on middle mouse click while holding alt/option key.
- Open folder in new tab on middle mouse click in file list related modules.
- Close browser tab on middle mouse click.
- Fixed exception/crash with middle mouse click in the column view.
- Fixed exception/crash with middle mouse click in Find window and Size Browser.
- Fixed terminal window closing with running processes (correct number of running processes reported).
- Fixed some minor UI incompatibilities with macOS 13 Ventura.
Changes in version 2145
- Improved Full Disk Access detection.
- Redesigned Full Disk Access window for macOS 13 Ventura.
- Fixed showing hidden module header on mouse hover in macOS 13 Ventura (this is actually a bug in Ventura!!).
- Fixed potential blank "Registration" window when entering old-style Path Finder 10 license.
- Other minor improvements, tweaks and fixes.
Changes in version 2142
- Fixed potential problem uploading files to some FTP servers.
- Fixed numerous small incompatibilities with the official release of macOS 13 Ventura.
Changes in version 2140
- Fixed size browser UI glitches on macOS 13 Ventura Beta.
- Fixed toolbar times validation on macOS 13 Ventura Beta.
- Changed some default view settings.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2138
- Redesigned file browser window toolbar for modern versions of macOS (Big Sur and newer).
- Redesigned size browser window toolbar for modern versions of macOS (Big Sur and newer).
- Redesigned find window toolbar for modern versions of macOS (Big Sur and newer).
- Redesigned preferences window toolbar for modern versions of macOS (Big Sur and newer).
- Fixed "Get Info" window layout on macOS 13 Ventura Beta.
Changes in version 2136
- Added Backblaze B2 destination option in the file cloud uploader.
- Added option to select AWS region when creating new buckets while uploading files to Amazon S3.
- Improved file uploading to SFTP servers.
- Improved file uploading to Google Drive.
- Improved file uploader Keychain credentials sharing with other applications.
- Fixed some compatibility issues when running in Mac OS 13 Ventura Beta 3.
Changes in version 2135
- Fixed potential crash when analyzing folders differences in FinderSync.
- Improve speed of analyzing folders differences in FinderSync.
- Fixed binary kind recognition for Apple Silicon and Universal binaries
- Fixed some compatibility issues when running in Mac OS 13 Ventura Beta.
Changes in version 2134
- Fixed compatibility issues when running in Mac OS 13 Ventura Beta.
- Fixed some UI issues issues when running in Mac OS 13 Ventura Beta.
Changes in version 2133
- Fixed remembering default terminal application on relaunch.
- Changed some default view settings.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2132
- File uploader settings now accept absolute paths, starting with '/'.
- Improved external terminal support for "Terminal" and "iTerm" applications.
- Improved drag'n'drop of items in the Sidebar.
- Improved Path Finder Desktop file titles drawing.
- Fixed Path Finder Desktop drag'n'drop animation.
- Fixed file aliases and symbolic links opening from the Sidebar.
- Fixed creation of password protected ZIP archives.
Changes in version 2131
- Fixed disappearing of Sidebar items.
- Fixed potential duplicates in recent items (document, folders, applications, servers).
- Fixed potential column width autoresizing problem in the columns view.
Changes in version 2130
- Fixed potential file operations admin authentication issue.
Changes in version 2129
- Fixed "Applications" and "Utilities" list in "Open with" menus.
- Fixed "Applications" and "Utilities" list in bookmark bar menus.
- Fixed potential subscription deactivation problem.
- Changed some default view settings.
- Some minor UI changes and fixes.
Changes in version 2128
- Added ring chart representation to the size browser.
- Fixed potential subscription deactivation after computer reboot.
- Fixed potential problem with excessive subscription check.
- Fixed a few localization issues.
Changes in version 2126
- Improved size browser speed.
- Improved size browser UI.
- Minimum macOS version supported now is 10.13 (High Sierra).
Changes in version 2124
- Localzied app store on 13 languages.
- Improved secure delete UI panel and operation batch select panel UI.
- Fixed potential crash when previewing some SketchUp files.
- Fixed potential exception when browsing files in the columns view.
Changes in version 2123
- Improved batch select panel UI.
- Fixed potential batch selection errors.
- Fixed potential exception when selecting column using Path Navigator.
Changes in version 2121
- Upload selected files to SFTP/FTP servers.
- Upload selected files to Amazon S3.
- Upload selected files to Dropbox.
- Upload selected files to Google Drive.
- Redesigned and improved tabs in the browser window.
- Redesigned and improved bookmarks bar.
- Redesigned and improved path navigator bar.
- Improved file operations performance on external volumes.
- Improved iCloud integration.
- Improved and fixed column headers drawing in the columns view.
- Improved icon size and grid space settings in the icons view.
- Improved and fixed "Get Info" panel and inspector module configurations.
- Fixed terminal, git and SVN modules to respect system colors setting.
- Fixed drawing inconsistencies in the terminal.
- Some minor macOS 12 Monterey UI fixes.
- Fixed some potential crashes and exceptions.
- A lot of other fixes and improvements underneath the surface.
Changes in version 10.2
- Fixed copying files with external attributes on FAT and ExFAT volumes.
- Improve file copying performance on FAT and ExFAT volumes.
Changes in version 10.1.2
- Fixed truncated labels in the Sidebar.
- Added support for SSH terminal authentication using ed25519 keys.
- Some minor macOS 12 Monterey Beta UI fixes.
Changes in version 10.1.1
- Fixed broken library links on macOS 10.13 High Sierra and earlier.
Changes in version 10.1
- Fixed potential scrolling problem in the columns view.
- Fixed preview of AppleScript files.
- Fixed some potential crashes and exceptions.
- Some minor macOS 12 Monterey Beta UI fixes.
- Improved file attributes handling on connected iOS devices.
Changes in version 10.0.4
- Fixed potential crash of "atos" support tool.
- Fixed SSH connectivity with ed25519 keys.
- Fixed and improved small UI issues on macOS 11 Big Sur.
Changes in version 10.0.3
- Fixed and improved interoperability with Default Folder X application.
- Fixed SSH connectivity terminal issue.
- Fixed and improved small issues in dark mode on macOS 11 Big Sur.
- Fixed some potential crashes and exceptions.
Changes in version 10.0.2
- Improved license purchase and activation flow.
- Fixed file revealing from the Size Browser.
- Fixed several potential crashes and exceptions.
Changes in version 10.0.1
- Improved connected iOS recognition reliability.
- Some minor macOS 11 Big Sur UI fixes.
Changes in version 10.0
- Fully redesigned for macOS 11 Big Sur.
- Native support for Apple Silicon.
- File browsing and operations on iOS devices connected to USB port.
- AirDrop support (currently only for devices discoverable by "Everyone").
- Added "Share" services to AirDrop, Mail, Messages, Notes&
- Redesigned and improved Drop Stack.
- Improved Batch Renamer functionality.
- Even better support for system Dark Mode Appearance.
- Many other improvements, tweaks and fixes.